Monday, November 3, 2014

The Photo Bin - October 2014

This month's photo bin is a perfect example of why I do these things. It gives me an excuse to display some images that didn't quite fit into the theme of a piece but seemed worthy of a look on their own. These almost made posts, but...

For example, I suppose that this first pair of shots fit my South Holston rant - being forced onto the water before daybreak to take advantage of the tiny window we had before the TVA flooded the place - but the misty river images that I used seemed to deserve a space of their own. So instead, I get to share these here in the bin.

Pre-dawn jetboil coffee on the hatchback back bumper and shadowy figures from the trailhead. Lots of bumping around in the dark. It seems that I'm developing a weakness for low light images. Perhaps it's because I can't use a flash worth a damn.

Yes, that's definitely it.

This next image also came from that SoHo outing, a shot of the oxygenating weir that sits a half-mile or so below the dam. The photo fits absolutely nothing. But recursive things appeal to this old mathematician. Few understand.

The next few shots came out of our Indiana visit with Mary's sister. Her home sits in the midst of, you guessed it, a corn field and I must say that it's a bit creepy at times. I had planned on posting a bunch of images from the field, but the prose in the post I ended up writing took a direction of its own (as my prose, quite often, has a tendency to do) and the single, dark image I used seemed appropriate there.

There's a boatload of these shots to share, but pushing more than three here seems, well, kind of corny.

Finally, we've been living in this wooded community for several years now and I've been eyeing this old chimney, tucked back from the road, since we arrived. Seemed a perfect photo op, but I've never gotten around to trying anything until now. Here's a start, and one I'm not entirely satisfied with. Seems there's so much more to be done with it.

So, be forewarned, you might see more of this ruin in bins further on down the road.

What is a Photo Bin?


  1. Nice pics Mike. There's something about the Weir one I find neat too. I really like the corn ones.

  2. Thanks Kevin. Glad I'm not the only one with quirky tastes.

  3. "But recursive things appeal to this old mathematician. Few understand."

    Very appealing to this once wannabe architect. There's a certain beauty in structural repetition.

    Nice corn field shots. On this side of the border, we got very few of those blue skies this year. Was hoping to add more to my own collection, but it never materialized. Gray or hazy skies just don't work as well.

    As for flashes, I only use them when I want everything to look horribly over exposed.

  4. Mike, as I have often said over on my blog, "Every Picture Tells A Story". While each of these pictures, I am sure, would fit into that statement, I am left wondering what the real story is behind the chimney...................

  5. That's the effect I'm looking for with my flash as well, Ken. And I do it well.

    An interesting question, Mel. Bears some looking into. Thanks for the thought.

  6. Hey, Mike. I hear you about pics not fitting in where we may have had plans for them in the first place but so glad you shared these.

    The one with the headlights is somewhat Big - foot - esque!

    Well done.

  7. Bigfoot-esque indeed, Michael. Just a little bit creepy.

  8. I wish that I could be retired to go live in the woods or on a river front back country road. That would be perfect. Great photos and scenery!

  9. Well, when you say it like that it does sound pretty good, doesn't it. :-)


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