Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Art

Interesting, isn't it, that when people want to compliment a photographer, they describe the work as 'painterly' (at least I do), and when people want to compliment a painter, they often say that, "it looks just like a photograph." - Bob White
The best part of this whole blogging thing is that, with a little good fortune, you find yourself getting acquainted with some incredibly talented and engaging individuals. Writers, photographers, artists. And part of the engagement is often discussions of the process; the creative mechanisms that drive folks to do what they do and their thoughts on what tumbles out.

Bob's observation, shared in a Facebook conversation, struck a chord with me and the fall shots included here, taken early yesterday morning on my river down the hill, have been "tweaked" with the thought of bridging that photo/painting gap. A little saturation, a reduction in clarity, an attempt to breath brushstrokes into them. A little Monet, if you will.

Better yet, a little Bob White.

Thanks, Bob, for your inspiration and your friendship. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes off the easel this year.


  1. Very cool Mike! Don't know which I admire most, an artist's skill with a brush or a photographer's skill with a computer.

  2. You definitely nailed the effect you were looking for with these shots, they're beautiful. Bravo!

  3. That's easy, Jeff. What Bob does creatively blows away my diddly little bit twiddling.

    Thanks Justin and Kevin. Glad I was close to the mark.


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