Monday, April 7, 2014

The Photo Bin - March 2014

Simply put, March sucked

Sucked for the fisherman
Sucked for the gardener
Sucked for the photographer

Only the weatherman enjoyed the duration
And schoolchildren, bless their stay-at-home hearts
Just wait till those June makeup days, kids
See how much fun then

So I'm throwin' in the towel on this month's bin
Sharing only the very last click of the shutter
My way of saying good riddance, March

Don't let the screen door hit you
On your way out

What is a Photo Bin?


  1. New month new opportunities. Keep your head up, them bugs are a rising and the fish are on the bite.

  2. True dat but April seems to be making up for it.

  3. Thanks for the assurances, Joel. The new month has been pretty sweet so far. That is, until the rains arrived today. But then, April showers...

  4. Hey, Mike. Agree with your notice to March. April? Locally, weatherman says it is supposed to be 57 degrees today with snow showers. Does that make any sense too you?

  5. No sense whatsoever, Mel. But I think we'd best get used to that.

  6. And two days later in Colorado it's over 70 degrees and snow predicted in a couple of days. Get out March!

  7. It's whacked, Howard. Simply whacked.


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