Thursday, March 8, 2012

To Do

Finish Splitting Hickory
Scrap Wood to Landfill
Finish Cutting Red/White Oaks
Store Milled Plank
Cover Garden Boxes (Sat)
Mulch North Slope
Patch Garden Fencing

Clean Shower
Wash Dog
Tie White Bass Flies
Northwoods Soccer Offer
Kayak Practice
Workout Plan

Sammy’s Meds
Canine Acupuncture Referral

Shim Master Bath Toilet
Mary’s Bulletin Board
Door Stops
Cedar Chest Hinges
Kitchen Drawers
2nd Shower Head Bar
Bath Towel Rack

Eye Doctor Appt

Wash Car/Truck
Change Truck Oil
Trailer Hitch
Trailer Registration/Insurance
Test Trailer Running Gear

Haw River Presentation
Back Country Journal Piece
Bloodknot Repost?
Getting Old Post?
Recreate Fav Pics
Save Fav Posts (All?)
Photo Bin Feb
Beer Tie Pics/Post?
Trailer Hitch Post?

Samsung vs. Sony?
Synology Server Setup
Computer Backup for Mary
Upgrade GPS Maps
Fastest DSL?
Lightroom 4

Nike Watch Battery
Patch Air Mattress
Patch Marmot Rain Shell Sleeve
Aquaseal Simms Crotch Seams

Basement Workbench/Area
Stain/Seal Decks

Go Fishin'


  1. Mike, your list is obviously upside down or something. Fishing last?

  2. I have a list like that but I don't write it down in hopes that I'll forget most of it and just do the important things - go fishing. You might want to add to your list - fill my new journal with fishing prose. good luck Mike

  3. I couldn't help but notice canine acupuncture. This says a lot about you.

  4. Don't worry, Howard. It's not in priority order. In fact, today I accomplished only one item on the list. Care to guess which one?

    FIlling that sweet new Year on the Fly fishing journal is a given and need not be on any list. Thanks, Joel. It's an inspiration in itself.

    It does indeed, Clif. It says "dog lover and bit of a flake". Guilty!

  5. Clearly, Mike, you're an overachiever. A list like that would be the end of less accomplished people, like me.

  6. Uhh, color-coded highlighters for your to-do list?

    At least now I know where the idea for the central character in SNL's "Anal Retentive Chef" sketches came from...

  7. Kirk, you're assuming that I will actually get them all done with any sort of expediency. Not such good assumption.

    And Tom, you looked too closely. Worse, you're the second person to "highlight" my OCD tendencies here in the past week. Like I told Chris when he commented on my neat fly tying station, I watch the old TV show Monk and wonder what everyone finds so funny. Adrian's actions seem perfectly reasonable to me.

  8. Scrap the list, and place an entry into that journal.

  9. Mike don't listen to these hullabaloos. Get that shit done and enjoy getting it done. I'll bet you know as well as I do a job done makes fishing better.

  10. I've given up on lists.
    Now I do things as I think of them, usually as I walk past them.
    And if don't think of them, they must not have needed to get done.

    Except for the fishing thing.

  11. Man...I thought I was busy with this move. Thanks for giving me some perspective.

    Glad to see that fishing made the list!

  12. BT, that's the plan.

    Will, I agree. There's something energizing about marking a couple of items off the list. Or in my case, pinking them off. Damn you, Tom...

    Ken, as I get older I have to write things down! It's disconcerting.

    And Sean, I'll bet your To Do list makes mine look miniscule. New houses always come with a laundry list of things to be done. Hope you're getting settled in nicely!

    Yeah, Mark. Me too. :-)


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