Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Change of Address

A brief and exciting administrative note. Mike's Gone Fishin' has changed addresses. It can now be found at its own domain name, Much easier to remember and communicate. Blogger made it a pretty easy transition and I understand that all current .blogspot references will be redirected transparently so, basically, you have nothing to do. But be aware, if things seem squirrelly with anything MGF related - content not included as that's always squirrelly - or if you have any questions about the change, please let me know here.

I suspect that if you have MGF links, in blogrolls or any other intertube pointy thingies, it wouldn't hurt to update them at some point in time. You see, I have no clue how all this works. I just trust that it does.

THANKS for reading!


  1. Congratulations, Mike. Nice to secure a domain name.

    Links from my blog site work fine.

  2. Great Mike! Now that you've got your own domain, I guess you'll be hanging with the other big dogs instead of us mere bloggers. I was hoping you were relocating to Colorado or at least Montana.

  3. Been spying on your site for the vaca photos lately but failed in my duty to leave a comment. love the pics and posts. You got some sweet eye for the natural beauty of the world around you. Nice job! ps my old .blogspot link still directs me to your new address.

  4. Thanks for the confirmation, Dean. Glad it's working!

    Big dogs... HA! That's rich, Howard. Us mere bloggers is what this is all about. Can't leave the community. As for relocating to Colorado or Montana, don't tempt me.

    Joel, Great hearing from you! I don't know about my eye. Where I was traveling all you had to do was point your camera around randomly and the results were always stunning.

  5. Don't let Howard fool you, he's one of the biggest dogs in this community :-)

  6. Congrats Mike. I think you're going to like the change...


  7. Just dropping by to add my congratulations, Mike. Great to read about your experiences out in my part of the country! We'll be back.

  8. Congrats on the new website! I'm a fellow Haw fisherman whose been reading your blog for a couple of years now. I always look forward to your latest stories and pictures. Tight lines!


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