So, how many fishing poles do you have now? she asked, peering into the back of the closet at the jumble of rod tubes. She knows bloody well that they aren’t “fishing poles”, but she also knows how to yank my chain for a little fun.
Not too many, I responded, and immediately realized the hopeless inadequacy of the answer.
Let me think.
You see, I’m turning into a hopeless fly fishing gearhead, tragically addicted to the feather slinger’s drug of choice - fly rods.
And, like any junkie, I always need just one more.
It all started innocently enough with a gift, a seven foot Dogwood Canyon 4wt, an inexpensive Bass Pro starter rod and reel combo, given to me by my step-sons.
They’d seen my fascination with the clear mountain streams as we hiked the North Carolina Appalachians and they thought I would enjoy splashing about in them with the small stream rod.
They were right and I’m forever grateful, and forever changed.
My problem is their fault.
That starter rod was followed shortly by a sweet nine foot, 6wt Winston IM6, sold to me by my professional and fishing mentor, Frank, for the ridiculous sum of $200.
He’d only fished it once, briefly in Scotland, but said he wanted a faster stick.
Maybe that’s true, but really I think he just wanted to get me going right. Good friend, that Frank. Pusher.